5 Reasons You Should Learn How To Golf

Do you view the game of golf as an excuse to wear bright funky outfits, continuously frustrate yourself, and a way for others to prove their wealth to the world? While there are plenty of people that give golf a bad name, there is way more to the sport than meets the eye.

Alabama’s head football coach Nick Saban recently described golf as a “metaphor for life” in a Q&A with Fox Sports’ Bruce Feldman. To paraphrase, he mentions that it’s “Only the next shot that matters. You could hit that in the water, which means now you have to overcome adversity…But that’s how life is. You don’t control the negative things that happen. It’s how you respond to the problem that is the key to the drill.”

Below I have compiled five reasons you should make playing golf a priority.

A great excuse to get outside

If you don’t already make getting outside and taking in all of the earth’s great gifts a priority, you should. Golf could be the reason you get out and view some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. Think of it as a hike that involves strategy and competition to complete. I would recommend beginners head to a golf range or take lessons before diving into an actual course. Don’t worry about being the perfect athletic specimen. While that may help, strategy and technique are far more important.

Make goal setting a habit

I’ll admit that golf can be frustrating for someone that is learning, but it can be just as frustrating as you become an expert. That is why the game is so great! Golf naturally creates an atmosphere for you to challenge yourself and meet and exceed goals. You can prove to yourself that you can accomplish anything you set your mind too!

4 hours of uninterrupted networking

Golf has benefits in your social and working worlds as well. Whether your foursome includes friends, customers, or work colleagues you are bound to become closer after a round of golf. As you overcome adversity together there is a sense of trust and comfort allowing for open dialogue. Your worst day on the golf course is better than your best day in the office. Or at least that’s what they say…

Always look to the future

Only the next shot matters as Saban mentioned earlier. While we need to learn from our past mistakes, we can’t let them linger, take over our mind, and influence our next move. So you hit your first shot out of bounds, two holes over, or didn’t make it past the ladies tee (if you’re a lady let’s just say you whiffed it)? Center your focus on how you can salvage the hole and maintain a low score. Each hole is a reset button where you can redeem yourself!

Connect with all generations

Golf is one of the few sports you can continue to play most of your life. This sport transcends the generational gap and gives people a game for all ages to relate to. There is a lot of knowledge and experience out there just waiting to be shared. Take your grandpa out for a round of 18 and you will be surprised at the number of stories and life experiences you will get out of him.

While I limited myself to 5 reasons to pick up golf, there are plenty of other reasons you should hit the links. Continue the conversation by commenting below or tweeting me @evbtuesdays. If you are interested in learning about where to start as a beginner in golf or want to join me for a round don’t hesitate to reach out.

Stay casual until next Tuesday!


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  • Reply
    April 26, 2016 at 12:26 PM

    EVB…all great points. I always say, if you want to get to know someone…I mean really know someone, either go into business with them or play golf with them. Golf can bring out the best and the worst in a person. You find out a lot about integrity and temperament for sure. Unless you plan on becoming a professional, you shouldn’t take it too seriously and just enjoy the game. Remember you have day job, and that the really good golfers spend everyday practicing their craft, time we typically don’t have. I have found that 4 hours on a golf course with customers is especially rewarding. There are not very many opportunities to spend 4 dedicated hours with someone you do business with. It is a great time to get to know them personally, typically time not available in the short hour long meetings you might spend with them. I know I just read an article that being good at golf is now more valuable than an MBA when it comes to moving up the ladder 😉 Here’s to Driving for show and putting for dough!

    • Reply
      Evan VanBuhler
      April 26, 2016 at 7:18 PM

      Yes, I definitely agree that you can’t take it too seriously. Although I wish golf was my day job, it isn’t and my game reflects that. Thank you for the input!

  • Reply
    April 26, 2016 at 7:11 PM

    Never thought about using golf to foster good goal habits!

    • Reply
      Evan VanBuhler
      April 26, 2016 at 7:19 PM

      Just a simple way to practice with something that won’t make or break your life. Who knows what these baby step goals can help with in your real passions.

  • Reply
    Emily Kasper
    May 30, 2016 at 5:05 PM

    What you suggest for delicate females looking to network?


    until next time…. Naomi and Emily

    • Reply
      Evan VanBuhler
      June 6, 2016 at 8:26 PM

      Who says delicate females can’t golf? You ladies should give it a go, and I know you will be stellar!

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